Ashley B Cleveland: Definition (About Me in 575 words, aka my first Spring 2015 assignment)

Every semester on the first day of class, something very predictable occurs.  The dreaded “tell me about yourself” conversation where you need to think of something off the top of your head that’s unique and defines who you are as a person.  No pressure.

I hope that by now you know my blogs are open and honest.  My biggest struggle with assignments such as this is how to write anything completely about M.E. First, that’s boring.  Second, who actually cares!?  So, what I would love from you as a reader is any feedback you have.  If you’re a friend or family, do I adequately describe myself or do you feel like I’m missing a major part of my heart (or something you see as a fundamental part of who I am)?  As a reader, what do you care about in “about me” sections?  What do you want to know about a blogger?  Please feel free to give any and all feedback, even anonymously.  **Disclaimer* My professor wanted us to include pets as she feels it unites all cultures.**

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